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ELL Levers Boost Achievement

The ELL Levers promote research-based best practices and provide daily support for English learners with integrated proficiency connections.

ELL Levers: About

Close the Gap

Effective EL instruction uses high-impact tools that blend proficiency objectives with hands-on, real-world activities. The ELL Levers represent proven best practices that have the greatest potential for impacting English Learner success. These levers support and promote English Learner priorities to close the EL achievement gap.

ELL Levers: About

What is an ELL Lever?

Like a simple machine, an ELL Lever is a specific evidence-based strategy that leverages the teachers’ planning and instructional delivery to provide optimum student learning. This is what we call the instructional advantage of an ELL Lever.

ELL Levers: Features

Evidence-Based Practices

Each ELL Lever possesses a moderate to strong effect size on student achievement based on current research and practice

21st Century

Each ELL Lever is grounded in 21st Century Skills and promotes the development of communication skills, social and academic language, and technology literacy

English Language Proficiency Standards

Each ELL Lever connects key English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) with research-based strategies for maximum impact on student language proficiency and academic success


Planning &

Each ELL Lever streamlines instructional planning and delivery by blending simple frameworks to execute highly engaging, student-directed instruction


Each ELL Lever expands the daily level of student learning through strategies and practice that promote higher order thinking, engaged learning, authentic connections, and effective technology use

College and Career Readiness

Each ELL lever supports the development of social language, academic knowledge, interpersonal skills, and applied thinking that promote college and career readiness for English Learners

Contact Us

Want to simplify your lesson plans and teaching for EL students? Reach out now!

Dr. Desirée Marks-Arias (214) 864-2704

Dr. Chris Moersch (858) 245-3746

Thanks for submitting!

ELL Levers: Contact
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